
Inspiring and energising tamariki

Stepping outside comfort zones

Introducing your toolkit for energising and inspiring tamariki

The William Pike Challenge was created to equip teachers like you with the resources, skills, inspiration and knowledge to help your students step into their lives with confidence and courage

Keen to get started?

Find out more about how the WPC can work at your school
With the William Pike Challenge, your school receives the framework and support you need to deliver an exceptional programme of EOTC, designed by the William Pike Challenge, specifically for the New Zealand environment and curriculum.

Over the school calendar year, your students will step outside of their comfort zone with a multi-faceted programme that includes: skilling up to explore New Zealand’s great outdoors; discovering new skills and passions, and learning firsthand how to contribute with community service projects.


Keen to get started?

How the William Pike Challenge works
Your school receives the framework and support you need to deliver an exceptional programme of EOTC, designed by William Pike, specifically for the New Zealand environment and curriculum.

Students step out of their comfort zones with a programme that includes: skilling up to experience NZ’s outdoors; discovering new passions, and contributing through community service projects.

We make it easy

The WPC team has been running this programme across New Zealand for 12 years now, and over that time close to 40,000 Year 6-9 students have taken part and grown in stature, confidence and life skills as a result.

When you sign up your school, we make it as easy as possible, with our online Challenge Hub for teachers and students to track progress; ideas and resources to draw on; support staff on hand to answer questions, and everything you need to get started at your kura.

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“The William Pike Challenge taught me how to step outside my comfort zone and take on any challenge.”

For a young person who struggled with being outside her comfort zone, Year 8 student Audrey from Loburn School was able to learn the skills and tools to overcome her fears and anxieties about trying new things. Making new friends through her WPC journey, helping out in her community and building her resilience were highlights of the challenge.

You can make a difference in 2025

as a teacher with the help of the WPC programme

Start by downloading our Free Guide,
or if you’re really keen to dive into detail, book a call.

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Why New Zealand schools trust the William Pike Challenge

  • 87% of students said that the WPC has helped them become better at persevering and not giving up
  • 86% of parents said that the WPC has helped their child become more confident in themselves
  • “Giving students opportunities to engage with the Outdoors, Community Service and Passion Projects – for me that is where we can make a difference. I feel empowered as a teacher, it gives us extra weaponry that the average teacher doesn’t have.”

Kevin – WPC Challenge Teacher

Giving students the confidence to handle any situation that comes their way.

Some of the schools in our programme

Book a call to learn more about bringing the William Pike Challenge to your school.

Download our free guide

Find out what the William Pike Challenge could look like in your school. Our free guide walks you through the process, including everything we provide as part of the annual Challenge. No obligation – just click through to download the pdf file.